Famous battle royale game Pubg Mobile had been banned in India earlier in September 2020. A lot of practices to unban the game has now been made by the owner company of the game. But it won’t happen, now later after the ban the company then announced a new battle royale game influenced by Pubg Mobile to launch in India as Pubg Mobile India.
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Pubg Mobile India new teases by the company revealed its new name
According to the new teases from the company the game now being called as Battleground Mobile India, which would be an official game for the Indian audience only. The developers of the game have confirmed this fact.
This can also be checked through some other hints like changing the name of the social media handles for the game to Battleground Mobile India.
Pubg Mobile India New Teaser
The company had also posted some new game teaser to maintain the excitement among the players on their YouTube channel. But later they made the video private without telling the reason.
Pubg Mobile Ban in India
The popular game Pubg Mobile was banned along with 100+ apps due to security reasons for the country. However, it is not confirmed till now that the government gave the green light to the game or not.