Krafton had launched Pubg New State as a refreshed and new version of the Pubg Mobile game. The game features futuristic weapons, tech, vehicles, and more. The game is believed to be based on the year 2051. The graphics are also better than Pubg Mobile and some other more popular games. Animations, movements of the player, breaking of stuff inside the game is completely new for a battle royale game on mobile, Krafton managed to achieve graphics like computer games.
But, because the game is quite heavy and resources consumer so it is hard to play the game at ultra or max frame rate settings on any smartphone specially on phones with low RAM like 2, 3GB, or 4GB. But wait, we are here to guide you on how you can unlock or play the game at the best possible graphics option with the best frame rates on any of your android devices.
How To Play Pubg New State in Max Frame Rate
Pubg New State offers several frame rates to play on in the graphics settings, players can find these settings in the graphics option in the game by navigating to settings>graphics.
The player can choose the fps option according to their device. If the player has a high-end device with good specifications, CPU, GPU, and RAM, then he should go with the max option. Other wise keeping it very high or ultra provides a better experience.
In the graphics tab graphics quality should e according to the device handling capacity. If the device is the high end then the graphics could be high or ultra otherwise keeping it lite or medium give better frame rates and also reduce the heating.
Anitalising should be turned off for better fps while gaming.
Graphics API should be default as set earlier, but if there is any issue with it or the game starts to crash again and again then changing is preferable.