Indian version of Pubg Mobile or say Battlegrounds Mobile India has male and female gender characters that players can use in the game. The player can change the gender using the game settings, here is the step-by-step guide to change the gender in Pubg Mobile or BGMI.
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Gender in BGMI/Pubg Mobile
When the player creates his/her account for the first time, the game system asks for the gender of the character. The player can choose between male and female while creating the account and setting up, but most of the players won’t ignore it. And while playing the game the player realizes that the gender of the character is not matching with its game style and outfit match.
Meanwhile, the player wants to change the agent’s gender in Pubg Mobile/BGMI. Well, it’s possible to change the character gender even after creating the account with different gender, here’s how.
How to Change Gender in Pubg Mobile-BGMI
Open Pubg Mobile or Battlegrounds Mobile India game on your phone, and from the lobby area click on “inventory”.
Now click on the “appearance” button on the left side.
Now from the new page, you can choose the male or female gender of the character and click ok to confirm.
The gender change costs 1000 BPs in Pubg Mobile-BGMI. You need to confirm it by clicking on the “purchase” button.
You can also change the faces of male and female characters along with hairstyles and hair color.
How to Change Face in Pubg Mobile-BGMI
From the appearance page, the player can change the faces of their character from the given “face” options.
Change Hair Style in BGMI-Pubg Mobile
From the appearance page, the player can change his character’s hairstyle. The cost of the hairstyle is 500 BP.
Read More – How to Change Character in BGMI-Pubg Mobile